Sarasota County Civic League

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Annual Banquet and Upcoming Meeting

The annual banquet was a success. Roesller's Flight Deck provided a lovely setting, great appetizers, a well prepared meal, and excellent service. Diane McFarlin, publisher of the Sarasota Herald Tribune, was the speaker. She pointed out that in the modern era, there is a trend towards more personalized news consumption. That is, people can now choose to hear only the opinions they agree with. There are now many different methods by which people can receive their news. Journalists must respond and ensure that citizens still are exposed to coverage that is both broad and deep. Diane also discussed the constant challenges of providing balanced coverage, the dificulty of putting out the daily paper, and the new Herald Tribune building in downtown. She asked our membership to continue to work to involved more citizens in the day to day life and governance of our community. I would like to sincerely thank Diane for her timely and gracious appearance at our banquet.
On Wednesday, June 8, Tim Dutton, Executive Director of SCOPE (Sarasota County Openly Plans for Excellence) will discuss the ongoing studies of aging and race relations in Sarasota. Breakfast will begin at 7:30. On Wednesday, July 13, we hope to have as our speaker Dr. Gary Norris, Superintendent of Schools, as the speaker at our luncheon meeting.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Nominees for Board of Directors 2005-06

2005 -2006

President Adam Tebrugge
First Vice President Dick Ulrich
Second Vice President Alan Roddy
Treasurer Susan Grundy
Secretary Lynn Brock
Membership Secretary Gail Levin

Past President George MacFarlane

Suzanne Atwell
Betty Lou Burton
Mollie Cardamone
Susan Chapman
Suzanne Gregory
Cindy Malkin
Dr. Jerry Osterweil
Rebecca Proctor
Bob Waechter

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Web Page Update

I have updated the Sarasota County Civic League Web Page. Please go to:

I plan to use this page for meeting updates and reviews. If you have any suggestions or questions about the Sarasota County CIvic League, please contact me at: