Sarasota County Civic League

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Candidate Evaluations

October 1, 2008

The Sarasota County Civic League is a non-partisan civic organization dedicated to an engaged and informed community. The Candidate Evaluation Program (CEP) is a public service program of the Civic League. Candidates are evaluated through written information submitted by the candidate and a panel interview. Each candidate receives a rating designed to indicate the degree to which the candidate possesses the qualifications needed to serve in the position sought.

The rating scale was revised in 2007 and ratings are as follows:
Exceeds Qualifications (EQ)
Meets Qualifications (MQ)
Limited Qualifications (LQ)
Did Not Participate (DNP)

As of October 1, the Sarasota County Civic League has issued these additional results from the Candidate Evaluation Program:

Each participant is asked to sign the Civic League’s Pledge Against Negative Campaign Advertising.

Public Defender
Both candidates signed the Pledge Against Negative Campaign Advertising.
Larry Eger EQ
Adam Tebrugge EQ

US House of Representatives District 13
Three candidates signed the Pledge Against Negative Campaign Advertising.
Christine Jennings declined our request to sign the pledge.
Don Baldauf MQ
Vern Buchanan EQ
Christine Jennings EQ
Jan Schneider EQ